Together we can create a safer route between Kingston and Huntingfield


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The problem

Channel Highway between Kingston and Huntingfield is the most direct route for people wanting to ride to Kingston for shopping, school or work from nearby residential areas. 

There is plenty of width in the road reservation for a separated cycleway but space is being wasted by unsealed shoulders, wide nature strips and a painted median lane.

A 2km section of Channel Highway joins the roundabout entrance to Kingston with the roundabout at Algona Road in Huntingfield. This section of the highway is wide but its has narrow shoulders and poor use of the road space, with painted medians to slow traffic. 

The 2km runs right through the middle of the residential areas of Kingston and is an important connector. 

Huntingfield houses the Antarctic Division, two hardware stores, an industrial area, a proposed “park and ride” bus hub and multiple schools. 

Huntingfield has been earmarked for a major new residential development which will add thousands of people to the population when it’s finished. 

A separated cycleway along the stretch of road will join up with the proposed redevelopment of Kingston and Channel Highway, to offer a safe, comfortable way to get between the two hubs. 

The solution

A separated cycleway needs to be built along the street so people of all ages and abilities can comfortably ride between the 2 urban hubs without worrying about their safety.

The Channel Highway is very wide for a road which is essentially one traffic lane each way and a few turning lanes. Footpaths are in poor condition or non-existent and there is no need for on-street parking as there are few shops and slip roads provide parking for housing.

The width could be used to build either a bi-directional separated cycleway or separated cycleways down each side of the street.

The Tasmanian Government should fund a feasibility study into whether a cycleway should be bi-directional or one-way each way, and whether is should be on the road or built up next to the footpath.

The cycleway can connect with the redeveloped Kingston city centre at one end and with the Algona Road underpass at the other end. 

Eventually, this could be the final section of a Snug to Kingston path.


  • Kingborough Council has allocated $30,000 funding to progress a design for this section in 2025-26.
  • Kingborough Council’s 2021 bike plan nominates this section to be a separated bike lane.
  • The Tasmanian Government completed a planning study into the Margate to Kingston transport corridor in 2020 but stopped the planning area at Huntingfield, leaving the final leg without a cycling connection.
  • Kingston Council approved a redevelopment plan for the Kingston city centre in 2020 which would see the Channel Highway redeveloped into a more walkable and rideable connection. 

Take action

Collective action makes a difference. Join the campaign – together we can work for better cycling infrastructure between Kingston and Huntingfield. 

Here’s a few easy ways you can help.

Contact aldermen

Contact the Minister for Infrastructure to let him know that safe cycleways in Kingston are important to you.


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