The problem

Studies show that teenage girls are active for less than 30 minutes a day—less than half of the daily exercise recommended for teenagers. It’s become clear through a number of studies that girls face more barriers to exercise than boys – with fear and ridicule playing a big role. 

The solution

Led by a team of experts, MIND.BODY.PEDAL sets out to support and celebrate the differences that make high-school aged girls unique, while addressing issues of self-esteem and confidence that hold many back from riding a bike. We want to create a country of active, positive and confident women on bikes.

MIND.BODY.PEDAL is a holistic program for high schools that aims to inspire more teenage girls to get active through bike riding.

What does the day involve?

Our approach

MIND.BODY.PEDAL works with partners such as Grow Club and Project Rockit to deliver four key workshops across the day.

1. Mind

A team of qualified youth workers chat to the group about issues such as self-esteem, your inner critic as well as peer pressure and challenging social norms. If you’ve always been told you ‘throw like a girl’ what does that mean?

2. Body

Led by a qualified yoga instructor, this session shows just how important moving your body is. The group will chat about mindfulness and be taken through a series of breathing and stretching exercises.

3. Pedal

The girls are led by Ride2School on a 5km bike ride around their local community. They’re taught road rules and how to be a responsible road user. Dedicated staff are on hand to help teach new starters and wary riders who just want to practice.

4. Pedal

MIND.BODY.PEDAL ambassador Ang Roan tells her story about how bike riding has changed her life. Through interactive activities Ang will show the girls exactly where to begin if they want to start riding.

The event generally runs from 9am-3:15pm but can be adjusted for individual school needs.

Download the draft run sheet
Terms and conditions

For more information about the initiative, contact the Ride2School team

MIND.BODY.PEDAL is available for individual schools or council areas with goals to increase physical activity among young people. 

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Does it work?

2020 was the fifth year of MIND.BODY.PEDAL and saw more than 120 students get involved.

The program continued its success in breaking down the barriers to physical activity and helping teenage girls get active. Five separate sessions were held, with 4 schools in total participating.

Check out the full stats from MIND.BODY.PEDAL in 2020 below.

Download results
Ride2School - Mind.Body.Pedal - 2020 infographic


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